In the previous lesson we saw that it is by faith we receive all that Elohim has given to  us. Elohim's only means of getting to us all that He has accomplished in Messiah is through faith. That is why there is no more important theme in the New Testament books that faith. Elohim's desire is that His children develop their faith, so that they can walk in it more and more each day.
Elohim is much like our earthly parents in that He desires our development and growth. Just as parents are ecstatic about their child's first word or step, so Elohim is pleased about our faith in His Word. He longs to see His children mature in the area of faith, so that they are able to stand on their own feet.
Elohim has given to every Christian the same ability and potential for growth. Those who are strong in faith are not so because they are Elohim's "favorites"; "Elohim is not one to show partiality" (Acts 10:34). They are strong in faith because they have developed their faith through Elohim's Word. Every believer has been given this same opportunity for spiritual development, and so every believer is capable of having strong faith.
Any person who is born again has faith enough to appropriate Elohim's righteousness. Thus, every Christian has faith. If a Christian did not have faith, he would not be saved. "For by grace you have been saved through faith" (Ephesians 2:8). Often, the enemy will put believers under condemnation by telling them that they don't have any faith. But the Bible states that every child of Elohim has faith. "For through the grace given to me I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as Elohim has allotted to each a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3).
Elohim is a just Elohim and would not require anything of His children which they were not able to do. Elohim always gives us the ability to do what He commands before giving us the command. Elohim is looking for us to live and to walk by faith. But He has also given to us the ability to do this, because He has allotted to each of us a measure of faith. This faith comes by the Word of Elohim and can be developed. It is up to the individual believer as to whether or not he will begin to exercise that faith which Elohim has given to him and develop it through the Word.

Elohim's means of giving us faith, and increasing that faith, is His Word. "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Messiah" (Romans 10:17). The Word of Elohim is what gives rise to faith in our spirits. Here we have a simple way in which we can obtain faith for any area of our lives. Faith will come as we read and meditate on the scriptures. We don't need to work it up, or strain to get it; faith will come as we partake of Elohim's Word.
Please read all referenced verses.

      1. Knowing the revealed will of Elohim
Faith rests upon the revealed will of Elohim. Only when you know the will of Elohim in a matter can you have faith in that area. If you don't know that it is Elohim's will to save, then you can't have faith for salvation. If you don't know that it is Elohim's will to heal, then you can't have faith for healing. If you don't know that it is Elohim's will to bless, then you can't have faith to be blessed of Elohim.
The Bible reveals to us what Elohim's will is by showing us all that Elohim has already done through His Son. The Word reveals His will for salvation by showing how it was purchased for all on Calvary (1 John 2:2) and stating that "Whoever will call upon the name of Yahweh will be saved" (Romans 10:13). Faith arises in one's heart when one begins to see what Elohim's will for him really is, and that the price to bring that will to pass has already been paid in full.

      1. Examples
Faith comes by hearing the revealed will of Elohim, which is found in His Word. Paul once preached the gospel (Word of Elohim) in a town called Lystra, and in the crowd was a lame man. "This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze upon him, and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, 'Stand upright on your feet. ' And he leaped up and began to walk. "(Acts 14:9-10). The man obtained faith to be healed because he heard the Word preached, and faith sprang up in his heart. The hearing of the Word produced faith, and faith brought about the lame man's deliverance.
Much the same thing happened to Cornelius the centurion. Cornelius and his entire family were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit while hearing the message of salvation from the mouth of Peter. He had been told by an angel to send for Peter, who would speak words by which he and all his household would be saved (Acts 11:13,14). As Peter preached the Word to them, the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Since the Spirit is only poured out on believers, it is safe to assume that Cornelius believed and was saved while he was hearing the Word of Elohim from the mouth of the apostle Peter (Read Acts, chapter 10).
In both these examples from the scriptures, it is obvious that the faith which these men exhibited came as a result of their hearing the good news. Faith for any of Elohim's blessings comes as a person hears the Word which declares those blessings to be Elohim's will for all believers.

It is evident from the scriptures that faith is a measurable spiritual quality. Yahshua spoke of those who had no faith (Mark 4:40), those who had little faith  (Matthew 14:31; 16:8), and those who had great faith (Matthew 8:10; 15:28). The Bible has many references to different types and stages of faith.
  • Romans 4:19, 20 Weak and strong faith compared
  • James 2:5               Rich in faith
  • Acts 6:5                  Full of faith
  • James 2:22             Perfect faith
  • 1 Timothy 1:5         Unfeigned faith
  • 1 John 5:4              Overcoming faith
  • 1 Timothy 1:19       Shipwrecked faith
Not only is faith measurable, but it can be increased and developed. It is possible, if not essential, for a Christian to grow in faith. " We ought always to give thanks to Elohim for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing." (2 Thessalonians 1:3 ESV).
This type of growth in faith is available to every Christian, not just to a select few "faith giants." Elohim wants all of His children to be men and women of great faith, and not those of "little faith." He has put at our disposal all the tools and instructions necessary for us to grow in faith. If we will use them, we too will have a faith that is "growing abundantly"

      1. Continue in the Word
Just as faith comes through the Word of Elohim, so faith also grows as we feed on and meditate in His Word. It is not enough just to hear the Word once, and then assume that no more hearing of the Word is necessary. No one will ever grow in faith unless he continues in the  Word. Faith will wither and die when one is not fed with the Word, just as a plant will  die if it is not watered. In order to grow in faith, one must constantly reaffirm in his heart and mind the truth of what Elohim has spoken.
Faith grows in an atmosphere where the Word of Elohim is constantly going forth. This means at home, in one's own personal study time, and at a church where the Word is being preached. It is impossible for faith to grow when one hears the Word only intermittently, or when one constantly hears teaching that is contrary to faith. Faith for healing will not develop in a place where the gift of healing is rejected. Faith for power over strongholds will not develop in a place demonic activity is considered a myth. Faith will not grow in an environment that is consistently bombarded with worldly messages and mock the truth of the Bible. Faith will only grow when a person consistently subjects himself to hearing the Word, at a church where it is taught, and at home in personal study.

      1. Exercise
Exercise is another factor necessary for growing faith. Faith grows when it is used. Just as muscles develop when they are worked, so too, our faith develops when we use it. The disciples once asked Yahshua to increase their faith. Yahshua responded, "If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would  say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and be planted in the  sea'; and it would obey you" (Luke 17:6). Yahshua’s answer to their request for increased faith was simply an exhortation to use what they already had.
Faith will increase when it is used. Every time we stand in faith for the blessings of Elohim, we are becoming stronger and stronger in that faith. Faith will not develop if it is not used, any more than muscles will develop if they are not used. To grow in faith, we must use the faith that we already have by standing and acting on the Word of Elohim.

      1. The growth process
Growth and development don't occur overnight. It takes time to increase faith - time to hear and meditate on the Word, and time to exercise the faith that one has. Christians are not born again with the faith to move Mt. Everest! Trying to believe Elohim for something that is beyond your maturity in faith will only lead to discouragement. For example, it is absurd to believe Elohim for a new car, when one has never even believed Elohim for a new pair of shoes. Faith grows a step at a time, not in one gigantic leap.
It is essential that Christians avoid making comparisons between themselves and other believers. Too often people try to emulate men of faith without realizing all that has gone into their growth. They want to be able to believe Elohim for the same mighty things they see others receiving, without taking the time to hear the Word and develop their own faith.
If a man is strong in faith, one can be assured that he didn't get that way in a day. Strong faith is a result of spending time consistently hearing and meditating on the Word, and then exercising that faith until it becomes strong and vibrant.
Please read all referenced verses.
Faith is "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is an inward assurance and conviction; it is with the heart that  a man believes (Romans 10:10). That assurance of the heart will always make itself known in action. If a person says that he has that inner assurance, yet shows no outward actions to prove it, then he is self-deluded. James said that faith without works is dead, or useless (James 2:17,20,26). In other words, faith without corresponding actions is not the kind of faith that receives from Elohim.
Faith without works is really nothing more than mental assent. Mental assent is an agreement with the Word of Elohim which has no action to back it up. Often, mental assent will appear to be very much like real faith. But the discriminating factor between the two is action. The "believer" will always act on his convictions, while the "mental assenter" will never show any corresponding actions to what he "agrees" is true.
"But prove yourselves doers of the Word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves" (James 1:22). Walking by faith in the Word of Elohim means being a doer of the Word. It means acting in accordance with the assurance that is within our hearts. Now works or actions done without that inward assurance are not faith. But Bible faith must always have corresponding actions which give evidence of that inward conviction of the heart. It was when Abraham acted on what he believed that his faith was perfected (James 2:22), and he received from Elohim.

"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going" (Hebrews 11:8). Abraham's obedience sprang out of the assurance that was in his heart. He left his home to receive the promise of Elohim which he had never seen, because he was convinced of the truthfulness and reality of that promise. Out of this conviction came action.
If Abraham had never acted in obedience to Elohim's call, all his "faith" in Elohim's promise would have been totally useless, or dead. It wasn't Abraham's mental assent to the promise of Elohim that enabled him to receive. It was his obedience that brought about the fulfillment of the promise. If he hadn't acted on his conviction, his faith would have been dead, and  he would have never become the "father of many nations."
Several times during the earthly ministry of Yahshua, people received a miracle as they acted in correspondence with their faith. The actions they displayed were a witness of the faith that was in their hearts. We will look at three such incidents.

      1. The sick friend -   Luke 5:17-20
Yahshua recognized faith in people's actions. Four men once cut a hole in the roof of the house in which Yahshua was teaching in order to lower their sick friend into His presence. They couldn't get him through the door because of the crowd. As they lowered the sick man in front of Yahshua, the Bible says that Yahshua "saw their faith" (Luke 5:20). In that act, He recognized the real inward assurance of their hearts. (Read Luke 5:17-20.) So assured were they that Elohim's power would deliver their oppressed friend, that nothing would discourage them from getting him to Yahshua.

      1. The ten lepers -  Luke 17:11-14
When ten lepers cried out to Yahshua for mercy, He simply instructed them to go and show themselves to the priest. Under Levitical law, when a leper had received deliverance from the disease, then he was to go to the priest and make the proper  sacrifices (Leviticus 14:1-4). Yahshua told these men to go before they had received any manifestation of cleansing. "And it came about that as they were going, they were cleansed" (Luke 17:14).
They received a miracle when they acted in obedience to the Word of Yahshua. Their action was a demonstration of their conviction of Yahweh's power to heal.

      1. Peter walks on water - Matthew 14:25-32
In the account of Yahshua and Peter walking on the water, attention is usually focused on Peter's failure. But here we will focus on the fact that Peter did indeed walk on the water. Yahshua told Peter to come, and Peter acted on that command. The other eleven disciples didn't walk on water like Peter, because they didn't get out of the boat. Their "faith" was useless and accomplished nothing in that situation because they did not act. But Peter did act, and although he feared and began to sink, the fact remains that he walked on water. The rest of the disciples just sat in the boat looking. They didn't receive a miracle because they added no action to their faith. If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.
Please read all referenced verses.

If a person is not a doer of the Word, but simply one who hears and doesn't act, the Bible says that he is self-deluded (James 1:22). This delusion arises when a person fails to distinguish between faith and mental assent. Faith and mental assent are in many ways similar. Both hear the Word of Elohim. Both rejoice over the Word. Both state with conviction that they believe the Bible. But the difference between the two is shown in their works. Faith always has actions corresponding to an inward assurance. Mental assent never has any action attached to it. The one who hears but doesn't act is deluded into thinking that he has faith, when in reality he is simply mentally assenting to the Word.

      1. Proper foundations and storms
Yahshua Himself called upon men to be doers of the Word. He likened the doer to a wise man who built his house with foundations on the rock. When the storms came, the house stood. The hearer of the Word was likened to a fool who laid no foundation for his house at all. When the storm came, his house fell (Luke 6:46-49). Notice that before the storm, the wise man and the fool fared the same. But when the storm arrived, the difference between the two quickly became apparent.
To hear the Word and not act on it is as foolish as building a house without a foundation. The house won't last, and neither will the person who only hears the Word and does not do it. It is the doer of the Word that will not be shaken. He will stand solidly in the midst of the storm, just like the house that is founded on the rock.

      1. The assured heart
Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17). It is apparent from the scriptures that the first step in obtaining and developing faith is hearing the Word of Elohim. That is the only way that we can get that settled assurance in our hearts. Faith is perfected when it is acted upon.
"But the one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does" (James 1:25). One will not be an effectual doer until he starts to look intently into the Word.
The word "confession" is often used only in a negative sense, denoting an admission of sin and guilt. This indeed is a scriptural usage of the word (1 John 1:9), but by no means is that its only meaning. More often when the Bible uses the word "confession," it is used in the positive sense of affirming one's faith with his mouth. Yahshua is said to have had a good confession before Pontius Pilate  (1 Timothy 6:13), and this could not refer to an admission of sin. In the book of Hebrews, we are told to hold fast the confession of our hope (Hebrews 10:23).
One of the basic principles of Christianity is the confession of faith. Down through the centuries this has degenerated into a ritual, in which some words are mouthed for gaining church membership. But the confession that comes from our mouths is an integral part of our obedient lives to Yahweh and our worship of Him. It proves our faith.
Paul stated that a man is saved when he believes and speaks! "If you confess with your mouth Yahshua as Lord and believe in your heart that Elohim raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved" (Romans 10:9). The word of faith is not just in our hearts; it must also be in our mouths. "'The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart' - that is, the word of faith which we are preaching" (Romans 10:8).
"But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, 'I believed, therefore I spoke,' we also believe, therefore also we speak" (2 Corinthians 4:13). The spirit of  faith is one that believes and then speaks out that assurance which is in the heart. Faith always has a good confession which affirms the truth and reality of Elohim's promises. This verbal affirmation of faith must come before there is any manifestation of the promise's fulfillment. Remember that faith believes that Elohim has provided the answer before it sees the result. So also, confession is made of the reality of Elohim's Word, even when the results have not yet been manifested in the seen realm.

The positive confession of Elohim's Word is an essential part of the faith which receives from Elohim. It is as a person begins to speak out his faith in the Word of Elohim that the "mountains" will begin to move. Words will cause the things which we desire to come to pass, when they are spoken out of the full assurance of faith, that is faith in Yahweh according to His will. It is Yahweh who brings things to pass because of our trust in Him (John 14:13 – 14).
Since faith comes by hearing the Word of Yahweh, it is apparent that the word which we speak must be Yahweh's, and not just our own. Yahweh's Word has all of His authority and power backing it up, so that when it is spoken in faith, it comes to pass.
Words, in and of themselves, are ineffective in obtaining Yahweh’s promises. It is only when words are connected with faith in Elohim, without doubt in the heart, that they accomplish things for His glory. Yahweh works on our behalf. The person who has whatever he says, is the man who doesn't doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen (Mark 11:22 - 23). Words spoken with no corresponding faith in the heart will not move the mountain. The seven sons of Sceva once tried to speak words of authority over a demon, but had no faith in their hearts (they didn't believe in Yahshua). The Bible says that their words were completely ineffective (Acts 19:13-16).
But words spoken out of a  heart that is full of faith in Elohim and His Word are effective and carry great authority. When a believer speaks Elohim's Word with the conviction of its reality in his heart according to Yahweh’s will, Yahweh will move the mountain.

      1. Yahshua and the centurion
Yahshua exemplified this kind of faith in His earthly ministry. When a storm arose which threatened to capsize His boat, he spoke to the wind and the waves to be still, and they obeyed Him (Mark 4:37-39). When Peter's mother-in-law was sick with a fever, Yahshua rebuked the fever, and it left her (Luke 4:38,39). Yahshua’s words carried authority not only because He was Yahweh, but when we look at Him as a man and our perfect example, His words carried authority because they were based on Yahweh’s Word and on Yahweh’s will.
The centurion who came to Yahshua on behalf of his sick servant understood the power of these kinds of words. When Yahshua offered to come to his house to heal the servant, the centurion replied that all Yahshua needed to do was speak the Word!
"But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I  too am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, 'Go!' and he goes, and to another, 'Come! and he comes, and to my slave, 'Do this!' and he does it" (Matthew 8:8,9).
Yahshua marveled at his great faith.
The centurion recognized that Yahshua was a man who was under the authority of Yahweh. His right to act and command came from Yahweh. The centurion was also a man under authority; that of Rome. It was Rome’s power that gave him the authority to speak to his servants and have them obey. Rome’s will was done through the centurion.
In much the same way, if we are under the authority of Yahweh, Yahweh’s will is going to be accomplished through us. Our words will have Yahweh’s power behind them to accomplish Yahweh’s will.

      1. Speak to the mountain
The mountain will move when the Word is spoken to it. Many people believe for the mountain to move, but they don't speak to it; many pray and ask Yahweh to move the mountain, but never speak to it themselves. Yahshua told us to speak to the mountain in faith.
In this situation, He didn't tell us to pray; He told us to SAY! Too often, Christians are praying when they should be saying. We’re not saying do not pray, indeed pray without ceasing, but also speak! Speak to the mountain. Speak to the difficulty or to the adverse situation and command it to be gone.
All that we say according to Yahweh’s will is
Please remember that the teaching about believing in Yahweh and moving mountains came as a result of Yahshua speaking to a fig tree. Mark 11:20 – 25 is as a result of verses 12 – 14.
When we do this, we are walking in the footsteps of our Lord Yahshua, and following the instructions and examples that He left us.

That assurance within a man's heart will find expression in a positive confession of Elohim's Word. Yahshua said that what is in a man's heart in abundance will be manifested by what he says with his mouth (Matthew 12:34,35). In other words, you can always locate a person by their speech. If a person's heart is full of faith, it will be evident by what he says. This positive confession is to be made before there is any manifestation of it in the physical. Remember that Yahweh called Abram, Abraham, before Isaac was born. Yahweh calls things which are not as though they were, before they are manifested. We are to believe that we have received things before we have them; we are also to say that we have received before we have them, all in accordance with Yahweh’s good will. This is exactly opposite to the way the world operates, but it is exactly in line with the way Yahweh operates. The pattern is simple.
Believe, confess, receive.
Please read all referenced verses.

      1. Guard your speech
The scriptures are full of admonitions for believers to guard their speech. "The one who guards his mouth preserves his life; The one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin" (Proverbs 13:3). "He who guards his mouth and his tongue guards his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23). These are just two among many references which warn against being careless with words. Also read Proverbs 10:19; 17:28; Ecclesiastes 5:2; James 1:19; 3:2.
Believers should be careful to speak the Word of Yahweh. Our mouths should be filled with the Word of Yahweh. Yahweh’s Word never comes back void. It always accomplishes what it was set out to do (Isaiah 55:10-11).

      1. The power of the tongue
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit" (Proverbs 18:21). Few have realized the full importance of this statement. A person can experience life or death depending on what he allows to come forth from his mouth. Constant negative confession of doubt and despair will bring to pass those things which are being spoken. One negative statement, said unwittingly or in jest, may not cause evil to come about. But if a believer gets into the habit of continually confessing negative things, he'll get to a point where his heart will start to believe the things which his mouth is continually saying.
There are times when we must inform people about our problems. Having a positive confession does not mean that we are to hide our difficulties from our brothers and sisters. The thing to be avoided is the continual confession of defeat. This is why we must put a guard on our mouths and not allow ourselves the luxury of an undisciplined mouth. The occasional negative confession will turn into the frequent negative confession, and the frequent negative confession will soon become a continual negative confession. Thus, it is best to stop negative statements while they are still occasional, rather than waiting until they are a deep-seated habit. Believers should not be negative people.
Negative statements can also affect the faith of other believers. It’s always best to believe the Word of Yahweh, be filled with the Word of Yahweh, and speak the Word of Yahweh.

      1. The heart & mouth connection
When a person is believing Elohim and exercising faith, he must maintain a positive confession of Elohim's Word. It is the confession of Yahweh’s Word, when connected with assurance in one's heart, that will bring about a manifestation of the answer. This confession must be made out of the conviction of one’s heart. Remember that the one who does not doubt Yahweh or His Word in his heart will have what he’s asking for according to Yahweh’s will. There must be a connection between the  heart and the mouth. Maintaining a positive confession is proof of one’s steadfast faith.
As we confess Yahweh’s word, we become more and more assured in our hearts of what Yahweh has to say about our situation. As a person confesses the Word aloud to himself, he is in reality meditating on the scriptures. As he meditates on the Word by confessing again and again, the assurance of faith begins to rise up in his heart. Then he can speak to the mountain, fully believing Elohim's Word on the subject, and the mountain will obey him.
Just as the world is in the habit of saying things that are negative, so Christians ought to get into the habit of only speaking things which are in accordance with the Word of Yahweh. Believers need to be continually affirming the faith that is in their hearts by speaking Elohim's Word, the answer, rather than speaking the problem. Talking about the problem can only make it worse but talking about the answer will bring about its manifestation in your life. Confess the Word in private and before all people.
Elohim wants His children to have and to use faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please Him" (Hebrews 11:6). But Elohim has given to each one of us a measure of faith and has told us the way in which we may develop and use that faith. Elohim's Word is the source of any faith we now have, and it is the source of any increase of faith we may experience in the future.
To walk by faith means to exercise the faith that Elohim has given us and to speak out of our mouths the Word of Elohim. As we act on the Word, both by obeying its precepts and by confessing it daily, we will not only grow in faith, but we will receive from Elohim's gracious hand all that He has given to us through His Son.
Yahweh’s will for His children is sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3), a growing in holiness, and an abundant life full of the fullness of Messiah Yahshua in us bearing much fruit to fulfill all He has in store for us to the glory of Yahweh the Father (John 10:10). We will only receive these blessings as we begin to put all our trust and confidence in Yahweh and His Word.