In Mark 11:24 Yahshua established a principle of faith which gives us insight into how to receive the blessings that Yahweh desires us to have. "Therefore I say to you, all  things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they  shall be yours." The principle is this: We are to believe that we have received (past tense) before we have any physical evidence, and then they shall be ours (future tense).
There is often, however, a period of time between when we believe that we have received and when we see a manifestation in the physical realm. It is during this time that Christians are sorely tempted to waver and give up.
That is when we need to stand steadfastly in faith, unwavering in our conviction that Yahweh has already answered our prayers. That is when we need to exercise patience, so that we may receive.
The Bible says that we are to imitate those who through faith and patience  inherit the promises of Elohim (Hebrews 6:12). It is when patience is added to faith that a believer will be able to remain steadfast until he receives the manifestation of what he is believing for. Patience will enable him to keep his faith applied until he inherits Elohim's promise.
There comes a time in every believer's life when he must stand firmly in faith and on the Word in the face of adversity and trial. Faith in Elohim's Word is enough to carry a believer through any difficulty which the enemy can stir up. And faith will bring a person through a trial victoriously if he remains patient and does not give up. When a believer perseveres in trial, remaining steadfast and patient in faith, he will always come out victorious in every situation.
Faith is the spiritual quality which enables us to receive from Yahweh. But often,  believers are tempted to give up their stand of faith when things don't appear to be going according to what they have believed. This is when patience (steadfastness or perseverance) is essential.
Without patience no one would keep their faith engaged long enough to see the fulfillment of Yahweh's promise. "And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises" (Hebrews 6:11,12).
If Abraham had not been patient as well as faithful, he would never have received the promise of Elohim. But Abraham  was a patient man. "And thus, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise" (Hebrews 6:15).
Patience is what keeps faith engaged until the fulfillment of the promise, or until the answer to the prayer is manifested in the physical realm. W. E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words defines patience as follows: "Patience is the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial; it is the opposite of despondency and is associated with hope." Patience enables a believer to stand until he experiences results. When a believer adds patience to faith, faith will stay engaged, and the believer will receive his inheritance from Elohim. But faith will not remain firm unless patience is put into effect in a believer's life.

"Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward" (Hebrews 10:35 Amplified). The fearless confidence to which the writer of Hebrews refers is our faith in Yahweh and His Word. It is our inner assurance that Elohim's Word is true, and that He will not fail us. Elohim's Word will not fail, if a believer will retain his confidence in it. These Hebrews were being tempted to fling away their confidence and trust in Yahweh.
If it is not cast away, fearless confidence (faith) has great  reward attached to it. Standing in faith will bring to the believer all  the things which Yahweh purchased  for  the believer through  the  redemptive work of His Son, Yahshua Messiah. Faith has a "great and glorious compensation of reward, " because Elohim is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Diligence has the quality of patience.
Please read all referenced verses.

  1. The fiery furnace
Please read Daniel chapter 3. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three men who retained their confidence in Yahweh and His ability to deliver them. In the face of imminent fiery destruction, they boldly said to Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian king, "Our Elohim whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king"  (Daniel 3:17). They didn't let the circumstances shake their confidence and  faith in their Elohim. They fully expected to come out of the furnace unscathed, before they even went in.
Their fearless confidence had a great compensation of reward. They were delivered from the evil intention of the king and unharmed by his attempt to destroy them, because they trusted in Elohim to deliver them (Daniel 3:28). The end result of the  trial was that the three Hebrews were promoted to positions of honor within Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom (Daniel 3:29,30). They received the compensation that comes when a person puts his full trust and confidence in Yahweh.
In verse 18, the Hebrew men said,  “But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” This was not a statement of doubt but a statement saying to the effect “under no circumstances will we worship other gods.” Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were willing to die for Yahweh, which further proves their unwavering faith in Yahweh.

  1. David and Yahweh’s faithfulness
David's confidence was in Yahweh because he was convinced of Yahweh's mercy and faithfulness. "Thy lovingkindness O Yahweh, extends to the heavens, Thy faithfulness reaches to the skies" (Psalm 36:5). "Forever, O Yahweh, Thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness continues throughout all generation... "(Psalm 119:89,90). David was assured of the fact that, no matter what the circumstances, Yahweh was faithful to deliver him. That is why he constantly affirmed Yahweh’s goodness in his own thinking. "Return to your rest, O my soul, for Yahweh has dealt bountifully with you" (Psalm 116:7).
Our confidence in Yahweh is based upon a revelation of His goodness and faithfulness. In order to stand steadfast in faith, you must understand that Yahweh is unfailing and will not let you down if you're trusting in His faithfulness.
The three Hebrews in Daniel knew that Yahweh would deliver them out of the hand of the wicked king; their confidence was in Yahweh and His faithfulness.
Even if Yahweh did not deliver them from the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar, Yahweh was most assuredly going to deliver them from the ultimate fiery furnace, the Lake of Fire, because of their steadfast faith in Him.

For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of Elohim, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised. (Hebrews 10:36 Amplified). Patience and endurance are the qualities which will keep a believer from throwing away his faith in Elohim and His goodness. Only patience will enable a person to keep his faith engaged, so that he can receive what Elohim has promised in His Word.
A good example of the relationship between faith and patience is seen in the way in which a person brakes his car.
Faith is like the brake that brings about the desired result (i.e., stopping the vehicle). Patience is like the foot that keeps the brake applied until the vehicle is brought to a complete halt.
In the same way, faith brings about the desired result, but patience keeps faith applied, in the face of adverse circumstances, until the result is manifested. If a person throws away his faith, it is like putting his foot on the brake pedal of a car but removing it before the car is brought to a stop.

  1. Retaining your faith under trial
Patience does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial. It is in the midst of trial and adverse circumstances that a believer will be tempted to give up. No one is going to be tempted to throw away his confidence in Yahweh when everything is going right. But when circumstances arise which are contrary to Yahweh's Word and will, then the enemy comes to try to get believers to throw away their confidence in Elohim's faithfulness.
Without patience a believer will not have the endurance to retain his faith when things are not going right. He will succumb under trial and surrender to circumstances (usually by giving one or more excuses), and so will not receive the reward that Elohim wants him to have.
"But my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him" (Hebrews 10:38). Elohim has no pleasure in those who draw back (i.e., those who “release their foot from the brake pedal”), because Yahweh is not pleased by faithlessness. Hebrews 10:38 can also be understood as “Yahweh has great pleasure in those who continue to have faith in Him.”

  1. Don’t give up – HOLD ON!
Every believer needs to be patient with his faith because without it, the believer would  quickly give up under trial. Abraham stood firm in his faith that Elohim would honor His Word, and patiently waited in the face of difficulty. It was his patience that caused him to remain steadfast on Elohim's promise, even though what Elohim had promised was not immediately manifested.
Even so, we must exercise our patience so that we can receive  from Yahweh. Just because the promises of Elohim are not immediately manifested in our experience is no reason to give up. When patience keeps faith applied, then we will definitely get a result.
But if we allow ourselves to become discouraged or swayed, then we will not leave our faith engaged long enough to see the manifestation of the things which Elohim has promised.
So, the exhortation to the Hebrews is given also to us. Don't throw away your confidence in Elohim and His Word (Hebrews 10:35)! Your confidence has great reward, if it is retained steadfastly and not thrown away because of discouragement.
Please read all referenced verses.
Patience is the power to hold oneself calm in the day of trial or adversity, and not be shaken off the Word. The day of adversity is that time in a believer's life when circumstances seem to contradict the Word of Elohim. (It is sometimes called trial, testing, tribulation, or the evil day.)
In these times, the temptation comes for believers to cast away their faith in Yahweh's ability and faithfulness. But if one is trained out of the Word to be patient and not to give in, then he will not be shaken by the winds of adversity.
"Blessed is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Yahweh, and teach out of Your law; that you may give him power to hold himself calm in the days of  adversity, until the [inevitable] pit of corruption is dug for the wicked" (Psalm 94:12,13 Amplified).
Patience has the courage to refuse what Satan's circumstances can prove true in the natural world. Patience says, "Let Elohim be true but every man a liar!"  (Romans 3:4 KJV). It won't fail under pressure because it knows that Yahweh's Word has never failed. Patience knows that when faith is exercised on Elohim's Word, success is inevitable. It is not moved by adverse circumstance or trial, but remains steadfast, trusting in Elohim's Word and His goodness.

Adversity happens to everyone. Because we live in a sinful world, we will always face adversity. Yahshua said, “In this world, you will have tribulation… (John 16:33)” Tribulation happens to all people whether they are believers or not. Being saved and filled with the Holy Sprit does not save one from tribulation.
In Psalm 34:17-19 we read, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Yahweh delivers him out of them all.” When faced with tribulation, it is imperative for believers to not lose heart. They should continue in steadfast faith and depend on the truth of the Word. Yahweh is near to the brokenhearted and He comforts His people (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Believers will also face temptation. Temptation is an enticement to sin. We can be tempted by our own fleshly lusts, by other people, by Satan and his forces or a combination of all. It is important for believers to have a made-up-mind to stand in faith in all circumstances.
We should be ready to crucify our flesh daily in order to follow Yahweh and His Word, we should be very mindful of people we associate with. Unbelieving family, friends, and coworkers can be an especially strong source of temptation. We should never choose to fall into sin in order to please other people. Yahweh should always be our priority.
Satan and his demonic forces, known as the kingdom of darkness, have a strong influence in this world and believers who, because of the Holy Spirit, are stronger than the kingdom of darkness, must always be ready to stand in faith and resist any temptation.
Of the kingdom of darkness the scriptures say, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
Demons like to steal the Word from believers and make them cast away their confidence in Yahweh. They may also bring confusion or cause you to mistrust the preacher in order for you to not trust the Word of Yahweh.
In Ephesians, the scriptures continue and say that are to stand against the wiles of the enemy (Satan and the kingdom of darkness) which he brings against us in the "evil day" (Ephesians 6:13).

  1. Stealing the Word
In Mark chapter 4, Yahshua’s teaching on the parable of the sower is recorded. When speaking of Satan, He said that some people receive the Word of Yahweh in their heart, but Satan comes immediately to steal what has been planted within them (Mark 4:15).
This stealing may come in the form of thoughts placed in your mind. Thoughts that cause confusion about Yahweh’s word, doubt in Yahweh’s ability, mistrust in the church or the preacher, media that mocks Yahweh’s word, or people you know that mock the Word.
Believers must also be careful not to let their own thoughts cause them to throw away Yahweh’s Word. Distrust in Yahweh’s goodness or His intentions can begin to harm our faith. Unanswered prayers can also erode our faith.
We should continue to trust Yahweh not because of what He can do for us, but because of who He is, and because of the great salvation He has given us! No one who waits on Yahweh shall ever be put to shame. No one (Psalm 25:1 – 3).
The Word is the basis of our faith, and it should be deeply planted within our hearts. So deeply should it be planted that our thoughts, dreams, and intentions should be based on the Word of Yahweh. When a believer retains his confidence in Elohim and His Word, there is no way that he can fail to receive from Elohim. Because of this, the enemy tries everything within his limited power to get us to throw in the towel, by convincing us that the Word is not working, and that Elohim will let us down. Trust in the Word and do not listen to him.

  1. Satan’s power is limited
Movies tend to show demonic forces to be overwhelmingly powerful. So powerful are these forces that the “righteous people” in the movies struggle to defeat them. The Word says otherwise. Satan’s power is limited, and it is nothing compared to Yahweh’s power. Yahweh is within us and so the Word says, “Greater is He who is in us than he (Satan) who is in the world (1 John 4:1 – 4).”
Within us lies the power to break down spiritual strongholds, cast out demons, and remove Satanic influences anywhere on earth. Demons are strong, but they are not stronger than Yahweh who is within us and who is for us.
Demons cannot overwhelm us unless we are unprepared for battle. Sin, a weak prayer life, and hardly reading and meditating on the Word of Yahweh will weaken a believer’s ability to recognize Satanic attacks and to respond to them timely and appropriately. Believers should always be ready for battle. Please read Ephesians 6:10-18.
Please read all referenced verses.

For the believer, tribulation is considered a trial; a trial of your faith. The scriptures exhort believers to count it all joy when they are tried (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:2-4). The Bible says that adversity exercises and develops patience in the believer "because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance (patience)." The joy comes from our knowing that any trial which we encounter can only make us stronger and more mature if we will allow patience to work as it should.
"Perseverance must have its perfect (complete) work so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing " (James 1:4 NKJV). The problem with many Christians is that they don't allow patience a chance to work, and so give up in the midst of the trial or adversity. But the scriptures call upon us to be patient and to persevere in the midst of trial or tribulation (Romans 12:12). As we stand steadfast in the midst of trial, then patience is developed within us.

  1. Coping vs deliverance
The  end result and aim of patience is that the promises of Elohim be manifested in our lives. Some mistakenly believe that patience means the ability to bear with a situation which has no solution. Since there is no way out of the trial and adversity, patience is seen as the ability to cope with it. Thus, if one were sick, patience would enable a person to cope with the disease.
But Biblical patience is given so that we can keep our faith engaged until the situation changes by the power of Yahweh. Patience is meant to take us through adversity, not just to help us to cope. "The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation" (2 Peter 2:9). Elohim's purpose and desire is that we experience deliverance from adversity in this life.
Many relegate deliverance from temptations to the return of Yahshua. But the Bible states that Elohim will deliver us out of all our trials - in this life. Paul, in speaking of the many trials and adversities which he had faced during his ministry said, "Out of them ALL the Lord delivered me!" (2 Timothy 3:11). "Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but Yahweh delivers him out of them ALL!" (Psalm 34:19).

  1. Perfect and complete
Yahshua taught His disciples that they could rejoice while in the midst of tribulation. "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33  KJV). It is a fact that as long as we are here on this earth, we will have trials and adversity. Yahshua Himself said so. But He also told us to be of good cheer, because He had already overcome the world.
We can rejoice and count it all joy when we encounter tribulation, because we know that when patience is put to work, it will make us complete in Messiah, and Elohim will always make a way of escape for us. He has overcome the world! Thus, we can face each trial with the full realization that not only will Elohim deliver us from it, but also that the trial will develop patience within us. And when patience is allowed to have its full effect in our lives, then we will be perfect and complete, not lacking in anything (James 1:4).
During the time of the Antichrist before the coming of Messiah Yahshua, the saints will undergo great tribulation and Yahweh has called for the saints to be patient, “If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance [patience] and faith of the saints (Rev. 13:10 ESV).”

When faced with trial or tribulation, Christians often fail to recognize where the battle must be fought. The fight of faith is not an external, physical battle against adverse circumstances. The fight of faith is within the soul of each individual believer. The struggle is one of keeping our thinking and meditation stayed on Yahweh and His Word, rather than on the situation.
As mentioned earlier, one of Satan’s tactics is to get the Word out of us, so that we will give up and shrink back from our confidence. His real aim is to get the storm that is raging outside, within us, so that we will become fearful and discouraged.
This is exactly what happened to the disciples as they encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee. They were overcome not by the  storm so much as by their fear of the storm. They allowed the storm to get inside them. But Yahshua was asleep in the rear of the ship; the storm did not get inside Him. He awoke and simply rebuked the wind and the waves (Mark 4:35-41).
What happened to the disciples in that situation often happens to believers today. They allow the storm of adversity to become lodged within them in the form of fear and discouragement. They struggle against the experience of tribulation or even against the fear of it, as the disciples surely must have tried to counter the effects of the storm by rowing and bailing. But all the time they do not realize that they are losing the battle within.
They were fighting the battle with all their physical strength rather than fighting with faith and calling out to Yahweh. Yahshua could speak to the wind and waves effectively because He had not allowed the storm to lodge within Him; He was not afraid! But the disciples were first fearful, and then they became discouraged and hopeless; they thought that they were going to die (Mark 4:38).
Two major attacks (called fiery darts or arrows in Ephesians 6:16) that Satan and his demons will wield against believers are fear and discouragement. If Satan and his demons can succeed in planting these two weapons within a believer, then they can get the believer to start losing his confidence in Yahweh and His Word. But if the believer will recognize these weapons and defend himself with the shield of faith as mentioned in Ephesians 6:16, then fear and discouragement will not be able to lodge themselves inside his heart and mind. In physical battle serious wounds to the head (mind) and heart are almost always fatal. It is therefore necessary for the believer to defend his mind (thoughts) and heart (beliefs and emotions) with faith, steadfastly trusting in what Yahweh has said. The battle belongs to Yahweh and so the believer who continues to trust in Yahweh, always making sure his thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are in line with the Word of Yahweh will see that Yahweh will come through for him and when that happens, his faith will be even stronger.

  1. Fear
For believers fear can be defined as being the opposite of faith. It operates in much the same manner as does faith but brings about opposite results. Faith is our confidence in the truthfulness of Elohim's Word. Faith is the assurance or substance of things hoped for or desired. Fear is the substance of things which are not desired. Fear is faithlessness in Yahweh’s Word. Fear focuses on the trouble while faith focuses on the Truth.
It is important for the believer to always have his mind stayed on Yahweh and His Word. He should not let his own thoughts or let the enemy plant thoughts of failure and disaster into his mind. “What if this happens? What if that happens?” Such thoughts do not strengthen faith; they erode it. One can be so focused on his own thoughts, believing them to be real, to the point of failing to do what Yahweh has called him to do.
Such thoughts will bring the storm inside you, and you will lose your peace and be filled with worry. But if you trust Yahweh and you set your mind on Him and His Word, you will have peace through the storm (Isaiah 26:3). Let the storm remain outside, do not let it come inside. Peace, be still.

  1. Discouragement
Fear causes discouragement, which is a lack of will to perform something. Discouragement always grows out of a person's fear that the Word of Yahweh will fail them. Fear first causes doubt, then doubt will bring about discouragement. A person with a doubtful mind cannot persevere through tribulation and will not see Yahweh come through for him (James 1:2-8).
A discouraged mind is one that has given up confidence in Yahweh’s Word. All that is now left are hopelessness and despair.
Patience will enable a person to stand firm in faith, in the face of testing and trial. Doubt will cause a person to waver and vacillate (move back and forth) on their faith, and eventually cause that person to  cast away their faith. As with fear, the battle with discouragement is in one's mind. Do not let fear enter your mind, causing doubt, and then discouragement. It is when people become convinced in their own minds that there is no hope that they get discouraged and give up.
The fight of faith is an inward struggle, not an outward physical struggle. The enemy's aim, whether that enemy is your own fleshly thoughts, the world’s thought patterns, or Satan, is to get you to throw away your fearless confidence in Yahweh. When faced with trial or test remember that the real target is not your body or your possessions, it’s your faith and confidence in Yahweh and His Word. That is the precious commodity which the enemy wants to rob from you.
Before attempting to address the physical situation, make sure that the storm has not become lodged within. If it has, deal with that inner storm of fear and discouragement first by reaffirming in your own thinking the goodness and faithfulness of Elohim. Meditate on the faithfulness of your Father until the storm is no longer within you, and  that fear and thoughts of doubt are cast out. Then move in full confidence of Yahweh’s Word, speaking words of truth in your mind, in your heart, and in your mouth.
The Bible says that Abraham received the promised son through faith and patience. Faith brought the impossible to pass, but patience kept faith engaged until the promised son was manifested in the physical realm. It is when we stand steadfastly on the Word of Elohim that we receive from Elohim what He has promised us. "Blessed  is the man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (James 1:12). The one who perseveres under trial, and doesn't cast away his confidence is the one who receives.
The following are four steps to follow in standing steadfastly in faith for the things that we desire. These are not given as some kind of formula. They are simply given to help us understand how to always remain steadfast and unmovable in our faith.

Choose to believe you will receive Yahweh’s answer according to His will when you pray and then decide to not change your position (Mark 11:24). Make a decision not to change your confession, until you see your answer come to pass. Patience will enable you to stand on Elohim's Word, unwavering, and will keep your faith engaged, until the manifestation comes.
Make a decision to win! A decision is an exercise of your will. The dictionary defines "will" as "strong purpose, intention or determination." If you make a determination to have what Elohim's Word says, you will have it.  Will is the determination to receive something. Make a decision to stand with the determination that you are going to come through every trial victoriously!

Resist thoughts of fear and doubt no matter where they come from. ''Submit yourselves therefore to Elohim. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Set your mind on things above and not on things of the earth (Colossians 3:2).  Trust in Yahweh with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We should not let any thoughts of fear or doubt sink in instead, we must submit ourselves to Elohim by meditating on what He has said.
Stop worrying. Do not be anxious. Meditate on Yahweh’s Word instead. When a thought comes to you, bring it into captivity to obey Yahshua (2 Corinthians 10:5). Do not let thoughts that are contrary to Yahweh’s Word remain in your mind.
Please read all referenced verses.
"My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those that find them. And health to all their whole body" (Proverbs 4:20-22). Keep the Word of Yahweh in your heart. Pay attention to it. Do not look anywhere else. Keep the Word of Yahweh as the basis of your thoughts.
Keep the Word in our ears.
Keep the Word in front of our eyes.
Keep the Word in the midst of our hearts.
If you are going to win, you will have to give attention to Yahweh’s Word!
Just as no human being can look in two different directions at the same time so also, we cannot look attentively at Elohim's Word and somewhere else. The Word of Yahweh should dwell richly within you. It should be your foundation and your basis of thought. Every thought that you have should be based on the Word of Yahweh.
When you give your attention to the Word, and you let the Word dwell richly within you, faith will arise and stay in your heart. When you keep your attention focused on Yahweh’s Word - all the time - then you put yourself into a position where you see every circumstance and situation through the eyes of faith. Yahweh is with you, He will never leave you, He will be beside you everywhere you go.

Refuse to speak words contrary to the Truth. The Word of Yahweh is Truth. Our words must always be those which affirm the scriptures. These words will arise out of a heart that is assured of Elohim's faithfulness to His Word.
Just as faith always finds expression out of a person's mouth, so fear and doubt always find expression out of the mouth. Thus, we must pay attention to the words that come out of our mouths and be certain that what we speak is in line with the Word of Yahweh. The Word of Yahweh will encourage us, support us, sustain us, and give us life in the most trying to circumstances.
There is never any reason for a believer to cast away his faith in Elohim and His Word. Elohim is faithful and true to the promises which He has given us in the scriptures. "Thy lovingkindness, O Yahweh, extends to the heavens, Thy faithfulness reaches to the skies" (Psalm 36:5). Yahweh’s faithfulness reaches to the utmost. His faithfulness is infinite. Because of this fact, His Word can be fully trusted and is worthy of complete confidence. Believers must learn to exercise patience, so that their faith in Yahweh will remain intact (Hebrews 10:36). Without patience, faith will eventually be cast away, and the promises of Elohim will not be received. Patient endurance is part of the life of the believer.